Top 7 Reasons Why Do Golden Retrievers Bark a Lot?

Do you own a golden retriever and it suddenly started barking a lot? Then you are at the right place where you will discover whether your dog is barking abnormally or it’s just okay.

Dogs are often known for protection and are the habitat of barking by nature even animals communicate through barking. But sometimes when golden retrievers bark a lot, the common question asked why do Golden Retrievers bark so much?

Alternatively, you might land on this page because you are considering purchasing a golden retriever and researching if golden retrievers are the best choice for you. Let’s get started from here, you will not disappoint.

Do golden retrievers bark a lot

The good news is that golden retrievers are not known for barking a lot even they are among the quieter dog. They are friendly, family-devoted, and intelligent dogs and know very well when to bark. Moreover, if you think your golden not barking at the right time, you can easily train him.

Golden retrievers may, sometimes, bark unusually, and there may be a good reason for this. If a golden retriever barks unusually, you need to notice his behavior; He might be trying to get your attention, he may have noticed odd happenings or strange people, or he might be having trouble and want to talk to you.

Knowing what causes your Golden Retriever to bark can make it easier for you to identify and control this habit in your dog. But in general, if you want to know whether golden retrievers bark a lot then the straightforward answer is NO, they don’t bark a lot.

It should be remembered that not barking a lot doesn’t mean that golden retrievers are dumb; they are super intelligent and perfectly know the right situation to bark. However, unfamiliar sounds, anxiety, and excitement might lead to unusual barking.

Why do Golden Retrievers Bark So Much

As I said golden retriever is generally a quiet breed, but when he is barking a lot, there would definitely be a good reason. It is strictly advised that don’t try punishing your dog for excessive barking, instead of finding the reason why is he barking.

The following could be the major reasons for the unusual barking of golden retrievers.

Noticed Unusual Activity

Golden retrievers are family-friendly and playful dogs but they might bark loudly if notice any weird or alarming things around. The frightening things could include spotting any strangers in the vicinity of your home or having a fear of pyrotechnics or thunder.

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Respond to Incitement

Responding to incitement or natural stimuli is the common behavior of every dog breed. In some instances like passing a car near to a dog, any neighbor passing through the home, excitement when you return home from a job, responding to some sort of pain, etc can provoke a golden retriever to excessive bark.

Attention Seeker

Bringing a dog to home is just like bringing a new member or partner into your life and fortunately, golden retrievers are quickly adaptable.

When both of you have a strong bond, your golden retriever can’t bear separation and ignorance. So, eventually, they become attention seeker and bark whenever you ignore them.

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Anxiety and Stress

Dogs can feel stressed and anxious, similarly to how people do. Dogs can react by barking more as a way of coping in response to stressful events, environmental changes, or being separate from their human companions.

It is advised to train your dog accordingly; in which he has to spend his most time.

He May Bored!

Golden retrievers are playful and attention-seeker, so when they don’t get such opportunities, they might start barking. In order to relieve their boredom and potential discomfort, a Golden Retriever who feels bored may also begin to exhibit other undesirable habits.

Release of Energy

Releasing energy could be the other reason that makes a golden retriever bark a lot. Let me clarify that golden retrievers are naturally athletic and active dogs and are known for their high demands.

They need physical activity every day, such as running, engaging in sports, chewing, and various other activities.

How do I stop my Golden Retriever from barking?

Though it is not recommended to forcefully stop your golden retriever from barking, you can train him when to be quiet. Golden retrievers are fast learners and easy to train, so you can teach him a few words when you want to stop him from barking.

For example, you can teach him “stop”, “enough”, “No [name], or just speak his name in a scolding manner. It will take a few days and he will stop barking whenever you ask him to do so.

However, it is also possible that your golden retriever is actually in pain or any problem, so it is necessary to notice his behavior. Track his behavior when he is barking; is there any unusual activity, or he is getting bored, or just wants to play with you.

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Should I Punish When Golden Retrievers Bark a Lot

Barking is the nature of dogs and shouldn’t be forcefully stopped. Instead of punishing your dog, try to find out the trigger point of barking a lot. Golden retrievers are smart and intelligent and bark only for a reason as discussed here.

Punishing is not the solution. By punishing, you are even making your dog to be scared or develop unsuitable habitual behavior. Love the animals and try to figure out the reasons for unfamiliar behavior and find reasonable solutions.


I hope, you find this article interesting and get the answer – do golden retrievers bark a lot. The answer is no, golden retrievers are not habitat to bark a lot even though they are among the quiet dog breeds. If your golden retriever barks weirdly, try to figure out the reason behind this behavior, and treat accordingly.

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